At present, the world is facing an exponential growth of the population and a huge urbanization.
fact, the standard of living of metropolises has reduced. In
essay, I will be analyzing the sources for the above issue and how to address those.
With the attraction of employees to the capitals seeking
for Change preposition
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more job opportunities with good salaries,
capitals have reached over population. Because of
immense inhabitation,
have to experience traffic
congestionsFix the agreement mistake
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leads to
wasteCorrect article usage
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of time and
air pollution
emissionCorrect article usage
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of toxic gases by vehicles
toChange preposition
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the atmosphere. New Delhi in India is going through a hectic period of vehicle jams
it has caused
a Remove the article
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significant air pollution which decreases the quality of living. Owing to the growth of
crowdFix the agreement mistake
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in big cities has resulted in unplanned urbanization to provide shelters to the
as in Colombo city of Sri Lanka.
But unfortunatelyCorrect word choice
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, it has raised poor accommodations which resulted in drainage blockages, improper garbage management, lack of clean drinking water, etc. In turn, unorganized settlement expansion has diminished the
wellbeingCorrect your spelling
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of the citizens.
As a solution to the traffic
congestionsFix the agreement mistake
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governmentAdd an article
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need to Verb problem
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an Correct article usage
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adequate affordable public transport. So that
do not have to spend a lot of time
inChange preposition
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roadCorrect article usage
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it can save the air quality of the city too
less use of private vehicles. Hong Kong has the best public transport service in the world and it is known that Hong Kong is a flourishing landmark. As a remedy for the immense translocation of individuals to the
capitalsFix the agreement mistake
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, governing authorities need to decentralize the employment capacities to rural areas too.
, it is easy to manage
the Correct article usage
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housing in urban areas efficiently in order to uplift the happiness of
the living standards of the metropolitans
hasChange the verb form
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fallen down because of insufficient travelling facilities and incompetent apartments. So, to address these factors governing body should plan and execute better infrastructure and policies.