The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The first line graph shows how the number of electrical appliances in homes in a country changed over a hundred years starting from 1920. The second graph displays how
affected the amount of time people spent on
chores each week in the same country. With more electrical devices being owned by
, their demand for
chores has decreased significantly. Based on the graph, just 30% of households in
country used to have vacuum cleaners, and four out of ten
had washing machines in 1920. Refrigerators were uncommon at that time. Just after 20 years, the possession of refrigerators increased significantly, with almost half of the households owning these three electric appliances. More
began to purchase
devices, and by the beginning of the twenty-first century, almost every
had fridges and vacuum cleaners. Over 70% of households owned washing machines, and
figure steadily increased until 2019. At that stage, hardly any family did not own a refrigerator or vacuum cleaner.
, as more
acquire electric appliances, the requirement for performing
as cooking, tidying, and laundry has significantly reduced. In 1920, they dedicated 50 hours every week to
chores, which reduced to 20 hours in 1960 and
fell to 10 hours in 2019.
Submitted by santos_dij on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "such".
Vocabulary: Replace the words household, families with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "graph" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "increased" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "reduced" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "almost" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "significantly" was used 3 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • household appliances
  • time-efficient
  • labour-saving devices
  • technological innovations
  • ownership rate
  • housework chores
  • domestic workload
  • automation
  • advancements
  • trend analysis
  • societal shifts
  • economic impact
  • durability
  • lifespan of appliances
  • maintenance
  • historical comparison
  • time allocation
  • drudgery reduction
  • energy consumption
  • disruption in trends
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