it has been a topic to discuss
on whether
aged 16 to 19 do charity work
as helping elders and working with animals falls into mandatory
programs rather than mere additional social
programFix the agreement mistake
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. I personally think that the obligation may include
advantageFix the agreement mistake
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disadvantageFix the agreement mistake
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, especially if the
is considered as a subject to mark in determining
's path to higher education.
Nowadays, in
Correct article usage
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fast-pacingCorrect your spelling
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world, it is becoming harder to be in touch with social
eventFix the agreement mistake
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. Young people are expected to be
world'sCorrect article usage
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future leaders but barely have
noCorrect determiner usage
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time to interact with social life in their surroundings
becauseAdd the preposition
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the load of studying at school they have already in the first place. If
, the leaders in the future that we are expecting will be acting based on
textbookFix the agreement mistake
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or materials.
by Change preposition
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letting them
to Change the verb form
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engage with
communityCorrect article usage
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hopefully will contribute
betterChange preposition
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social interaction.
, taking care of
olderCorrect article usage
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inChange preposition
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the weekend may generate
ideaAdd an article
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that these young people are not disconnected
toChange preposition
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the life where they live. Additional value for enabling
to communicate with
communityAdd an article
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is shaping emotional
feelingFix the agreement mistake
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, with the intention that one day young people as policy-makers would include
prosperityCorrect article usage
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of elders and animals in their framework.
, I can not disregard the negative effect
inChange preposition
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policy as mandatory. In several countries
as South Korea,
programFix the agreement mistake
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sometimesAdd a missing verb
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inChange preposition
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weekendFix the agreement mistake
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the school and the
's cooperation. That being said,
are less likely to get enough rest the entire week, meanwhile if
do not participate, it will affect their marks. It is particularly concerning
the fact that adding
programFix the agreement mistake
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as mandatory will be deemed as increasing the school hours as well.
In conclusion, there are sort of affirmative and negative views
uponChange preposition
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communityAdd an article
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programFix the agreement mistake
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to join. Yet it should not hamper the idea that
programFix the agreement mistake
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is Unnecessary verb
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matter to
, but
what the implementation should
regulate in its policy is
that Correct word choice
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the Correct article usage
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when the
will be conducted. The aim to make
to Change the verb form
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engage with elders and animals
's rest time can only be achieved if the policy is inclusive enough to
perspectiveFix the agreement mistake
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as well, not merely seeing the importance of
programFix the agreement mistake
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