Advertising is a great marketing tool to reach the targeted group of people. In some advertisements, marketing people are trying to convince the customers by showing that they are unique.
tendency is a negative improvement.
Ironically, the clients are responsible for Linking Words
type of advertisement. Linking Words
For example
, everybody wants a commodity with novice characteristics which might prove them they are using unique products. Linking Words
As a result
, companies try to design a device with some new features to attract clients. Linking Words
For instance
, iPhone14 does not contain any difference from iPhone13, but only updates the outlook to attract users Linking Words
Fix the infinitive
to buy
without any hesitation. Linking Words
, a competitive market is Linking Words
responsible for developing Linking Words
advertisements. If competitors grasp the market, Linking Words
they will lose their share, Linking Words
as well as
profit. Linking Words
, they are habituated to maintain the pace. Nokia, which had great sales of mobile phones, lost its market share as it could not synchronise with the updated operating system from Symbian to Android. Linking Words
On the other hand
, Samsung gets the opportunity to update the operating system to Android and grasp the opportunity.
Linking Words
is definitely a negative development because companies are trying to take some deceptive actions to highlight their products. Linking Words
, they add some small features which are not important for the operation, but for advertisement. Linking Words
Linking Words
reason, customers are getting fooled without considering the actual developments and their needs. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
the Linking Words
quality of a refrigerator is the same, Walton, a renowned refrigerator company in Bangladesh, is attracting users by changing only the door, which does not update any vital function.
In conclusion, it can be said that to minimise the impact of advertising, people should be more concerned about their behaviour on uniqueness to avoid attractive showcasing of a commodity. At the same time, they should justify the quality of the output.Linking Words