In many countries, people are now living longer than ever before. Some people say an aging population creates problems for governments. Other people think there are benefits if society has more elderly people. To what extent do the advantages of having an aging population outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, it is common for individuals to have longer life expectancy than ever before, so some
think the increase in the ageing
will bring many societal issues. In my view, I completely agree with
opinion because the disadvantages of the ageing
for administrations totally exceed its merits for
. On the one hand, I cannot deny that the growing
of old
may bring some benefits to our
, the large
of old citizens may help the government to maintain a stable
is predominantly because these residents usually have deposited enough money to keep their daily lives, which means it is pointless for them to commit crimes that have many risks.
, it is possible to have a good environment if a country has numerous old individuals.
For example
, compared with the teenager, the old man prefers to stay at home rather than travel around the state, which can reduce the emission of exhaust fumes.
, reaching the above conclusion does not necessarily mean that the drawbacks of
ageing for governments can be ignored. For one thing, the point at issue for governments is the shortage of labour, which means companies in a country cannot recruit enough employees to do some essential jobs. For another, the economy in a country will be at a high risk because the old
have a low desire to consume. As we all know, consumption is the power of economic growth, so it is difficult for the economy to develop if there are fewer individuals who want to spend their money. Take China,
for instance
, there are many small cities that have over 50% of old residentiaries who only buy basic commodities from local supermarkets.
As a result
, most of these cities have heavy stress on their financial funding. To summarize,
more elderly
may bring some advantages to
, I approve that its drawbacks completely exceed its benefits considering the problems of shortage of employees and national finances.
Submitted by delulcheva on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • ageing population
  • benefits
  • disadvantages
  • advantages
  • experience
  • knowledge
  • contribution
  • economy
  • society
  • healthcare
  • youth employment
  • community
  • intergenerational support
  • volunteerism
  • mentorship
  • increased demand
  • pension costs
  • social welfare systems
  • workforce
  • productivity
  • intergenerational conflict
  • technological adaptability
  • dependency
  • effective
  • skill development
  • employment opportunities
  • intergenerational solidarity
  • communication
  • lifelong learning
  • technological literacy
  • age-friendly
  • social policies
  • infrastructure
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