The chart below shows what Anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course. The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years.

The chart below shows what Anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course. The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years.
The pie chart illustrates after-graduation life for Anthropology former undergraduate students of a university into six different categories, Full-time
, Full-time
study Part-time, Part-time
along with
, Unemployed and Unknown,
the the table depicts their annual income, as an employee in three sectors, after five years of experience.
, it is clear from the pie chart that Full-time
was a dominant choice for them, where their best annual payment lies in the Government sector for a majority of its employees
according to
the table. As the pie chart shows, the largest segment with 52% is Full-time
the smallest piece is Part-time
and simultaneously studying
with a 5% contribution,
both Unknown and Full-time
study stood just above studying
with only 8%.
In addition
, the next largest parts are Part-time
and Unemployed with 15% and 12% share.
On the other hand
, a large number of employees are paid 100,000$ or more with 40% , 50% and 30% for Freelance consultation , Government sector and Private sector respectively.
, the lowest payments are paid to a few numbers of employees, trough all three sectors with 5% , 5% and 10% with an order mentioned above.
Submitted by anayasinwriting on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words work, postgrad with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "undefined" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: The word "chart" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "table" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "number of" was used 2 times.
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