Dear Mr. Lovjit,
I hope you are doing well. My name is Tajinder Singh, a junior project manager at your organization. I am writing
letter to ask you for permission to participate in a business conference. Linking Words
, Linking Words
event is organized by a famous human resource development company from the UK.
Linking Words
week, Linking Words
conference was advertised in the newspaper. It would be a two-day-long event, where I would get a chance to meet experienced business professionals. They are going to give lectures on various skills for working professionals. Linking Words
program is mainly focused on the importance of digital marketing and artificial intelligence.
Right after I saw the advertisement in the newspaper, I called the program coordinator to gather some information about the event and he suggested that I reserve a seat.
As you already know, our company has recently started taking an interest in artificial intelligence. So it will be quite informative and help us to be up-to-date about other latest technologies.
I would request you to allow me to attend Linking Words
Yours sincerely,
TSLinking Words