More and more tasks we do at home and at work these days are done by robots. Is this a negative or positive development?

With the advancement in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), an increasing number of work in both households and workplaces is now being replaced and completed by
. The writer of
essay believes that despite being a positive trend, the consequences it has cannot be acceptable
as a result
of detrimental health care. It must be acknowledged that
are convenient and functional.
, they are seen as tools for helping individuals in every type of work,
for instance
, house chores and tasks in companies.
, AIs are capable of performing numerous assignments that are not able to be done by men, which is an enormous breakthrough in industries, because of that, corporations are now taking advantage of
, proving that the mainstream is positive in different aspects of life.
, it can
be exploited as well
due to
excessive usage which
leads to countless unexpected results and I will shed light on the core factors in the latter. In stark contrast,
due to
their aforementioned upsides, several persons are abusing them, causing health-related problems, among them is obesity.
assist owners whenever there are orders,
, they do not have the recognition
that is
whether the command is advantageous or harmful to their lord, which
leads to misuse. Eventually, it causes devastating effects on people’s health conditions,
for example
, the most common are obesity, leading a solitary life and discouraging labour. In conclusion,
I agree with the statement, the impacts that the trend has on citizens worldwide are problematic. The predominant culprits of
due to
exploitation and abuse.More and more tasks we do at home and at work these days are done by
. Is
a negative or positive development?

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task achievement
You started well by outlining your argument in your introduction, but to achieve higher band scores, you should aim to further develop your main points in subsequent paragraphs. Expanding on each point with more detail and examples would strengthen your essay. For instance, explaining precisely how robots help or why they might lead to obesity could enrich your argument.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has clear main ideas but would benefit from a more logical structure. Break ideas into separate paragraphs to improve the readability and logical flow. This would also help to emphasize your arguments and make them clearer to the reader.
coherence cohesion
To improve coherence, use more linking words and phrases to connect your ideas. For instance, using words like 'consequently,' 'as a result,' and 'moreover' can help to create a smoother narrative and show the relationships between your points.
task achievement
You have included both the positive and negative aspects of robots in your essay, showing a balanced view on the topic.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion help frame your essay well, giving a clear start and end to your argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Automation
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Humanoid
  • Machine learning
  • Task allocation
  • Operational costs
  • Manual labor
  • Disruptive technology
  • Ergonomics
  • Unemployment
  • Cybersecurity
  • Technological singularity
  • Redundant workforce
  • Innovation
  • Ethical considerations
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