A portion of society believes that spending currency on fete is a total waste of it, as there are many other significant fields that need expenditure. I totally agree with
essay is going to
elaborate on the reasons and
will to a logical conclusion as well.
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of grounds to stand with a view but the most preponderant one is that organising parties are just a way of depicting their wealth which is useless for the community
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could be spent on the health care sector which really needs investment, almost in every country of the world. As there is a high portion of the population
not capable of affording good medication for proper health can help for the better future of the nation. To elucidate, In
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2021 the death rate of India has risen by 15 percent
a lack of
for the treatment of
covid-19Correct your spelling
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and the country faced critically worse conditions. So, spending
on hospitals could be
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excellent choice. Moving towards the next reason, whenever any type of gathering occurs, a bunch of expenses are seen on expensive alcohol.
, people usually get drunk and getting toxic in public is never a sign of being a good citizen. Rather than buying alcohol, spending a certain portion of
on improving the education system every year could be helpful for improving the future generation's knowledge skills by providing them with digital devices to study.
, recently in India, every six people denote a certain amount of
for the betterment of schools that they were saving to spend on festivals.
, it could be seen as a positive sign towards the nation's progress.
with the same declaration, when individuals get together on some occasions they directly or indirectly harm the environment as well which puts a heavy burden on the government
as the regime is the one who is going to fix the environmental damage at that point. A good illustration for
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is when Diwali is celebrated humans ruin the ecosystem as there is a lot of air and noise pollution because of the crackers. As a
, these savings could be used better to
and clothes to
poorCorrect article usage
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so that, they can
have a happy Diwali.
the reasons aforementioned above one can reach to logical conclusion that the community have a lot of
but making the best use of
by spending on the needed areas is necessary for the development of the region
of spreading that wage on social fetes that leaves a negative effect on culture.