The figure illustrates the process of the way that plastic bottles are recycled. In general, after putting the trash containing polymer products into the garbage, they will be separated from other wastes in the factory, and after some processes, they will be formed as raw materials to produce new goods, and the cycle will begin again.
According to
the diagram, Linking Words
individuals put their recyclable litter into the waste-sorting garbage and after they've been carried to the recycling centre by big trucks, workers will sort them carefully. The next level is compressing, the plastic bottles will be compressed into large cubical blocks which will be crushed in the next level, after the crushing process Linking Words
that is
done by special machines, the pieces are washed in a pool of water.
The production of raw materials starts with producing plastic pallets, which is done by a big machine, and the pallets will be heated to form raw materials. Linking Words
, They will be used to produce new products Linking Words
as bottles, clothes, recycling bags, etc. As the individuals through these products out, the process begins again.Linking Words
Farzaneh Ka