Nowadays, artificial
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
beingVerb problem
show examples
famous and it will lead to
useCorrect article usage
show examples
intelligentChange preposition
show examples
more widely in the future. In my
it is
blessingCorrect article usage
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
pointFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of view because it will help
for doingWrong verb form
show examples
and easier to
takeCorrect your spelling
show examples
decisionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
based on
providedWrong verb form
show examples
One of the
reasonFix the agreement mistake
show examples
is a blessing,
theCorrect determiner usage
show examples
are made
for helpingChange preposition
show examples
doingWrong verb form
show examples
. Especially, for
who open
restaurantFix the agreement mistake
show examples
but they do not have enough employees. The intelligent robot will help them
restaurantCorrect article usage
show examples
openChange the verb form
show examples
deliveryReplace the word
show examples
food to the customers or cleaning the table and the floor. Those special
humanFix the agreement mistake
show examples
can do but not many
want to do it. As we know
more tendingWrong verb form
show examples
to work in the office rather than clean the restaurant.
Other reasons, most
of Change preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
are created to populate and illustrate
something. It is helpful
peopleChange preposition
show examples
especiallyAdd the comma(s)
show examples
for creating a quick decision.
who are working in drilling
wellReplace the word
show examples
they Correct pronoun usage
show examples
need intelligent
shareAdd the particle
show examples
all existing
from existing and current
wellFix the agreement mistake
show examples
as what risks
that Correct pronoun usage
show examples
they will face during drilling and where the target prospect
.Add a missing verb
show examples
Based on the
that already shared by intelligent
engineerFix the agreement mistake
show examples
will able to
haveVerb problem
show examples
quickCorrect word choice
show examples
decisionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
than used to be.
CompareWrong verb form
show examples
with twenty years ago during drilling,
engineerFix the agreement mistake
show examples
had Unnecessary verb
show examples
needed at least two days
for makingChange preposition
show examples
the same decisions as the technology still not
advanceWrong verb form
show examples
at that time.
, in my opinion,
the Correct article usage
show examples
are a blessing for
but it is
curseAdd an article
show examples
for some
. It will lead some unemployment in the future because there will be some jobs that replaced by
and it already started now
waitressFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and parking. I think for
thisCorrect determiner usage
show examples
governmentAdd an article
show examples
needs to have some regulations regarding the intelligent
usingWrong verb form
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
a big
scalesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
keepVerb problem
show examples
secure and safe about their jobs.
the Correct article usage
show examples
will be a blessing in the future because
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
will help in
lifeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
forChange preposition
show examples
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
more efficient than before.
, we need to
awareAdd a missing verb
show examples
regardingChange preposition
show examples
the drawbacks that can replace
onChange preposition
show examples
some particular jobs.