The table depicts what four fuel types utilize to produce electricity in five Asian countries in 2005.
, Linking Words
it is clear that
five cities depend on different resources to generate power. Coal and lignite have the highest rate in Malaysia, and nuclear is the least in Thailand.
Linking Words
To begin
with, there is a similar trend to use the Linking Words
in Malaysia and Singapore, and most of the usage of fuel is coal and lignite and the second one is nuclear. Change preposition
of fuel
In addition
, Japan relies on nuclear to generate power, which is around 49%, Linking Words
it is not used in Thailand.
Linking Words
, hydro and wind are the most used in South Korea at 48% and the lowest proportion is in Singapore and Japan. The percentage of petroleum is the highest in Thailand, Linking Words
other countries only utilize less than 5%. Other methods Linking Words
are used to produce electricity in five cities and the percentage is more than 10%.Linking Words