Some argue that
artsCorrect article usage
show examples
field, the
should put more
supportsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
on science and technology development,
do not improve residents' living. I disagree with
as painting and music
is Verb problem
show examples
an essential
elementFix the agreement mistake
show examples
that can help
maintainingWrong verb form
show examples
's mental health, so the
should spend
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
,in Hong Kong, the
artsChange the noun form
show examples
therapy industry is not well-developed, there
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
no lack of articles and research
showWrong verb form
show examples
the benefit of
artsChange the noun form
show examples
therapy in different foreign countries. In the therapy process, the clients may talk to the therapist and do paintings
their wants. They can relax and communicate with themselves to enhance their mental health.
, music can be a way to express
emotionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, the
spend less
on them. Since
maintainVerb problem
show examples
to be mentally healthy, the
should spend
on developing them.
on science and technology is the trend in
21stChange the article
show examples
, we cannot forget the important role of
the Correct article usage
show examples
human history. The expert studying history
needCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
to appreciate the artworks like the wall painting in the church in order to know more about the living
in the past. For the music, the lyrics always imply the living
inChange preposition
show examples
that generation.
, some Canton Pop songs in
1980sChange the article
show examples
let the new generation know lots of Hongkongers in the past
workWrong verb form
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in local
factoryFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to produce plastic toys, watches, etc. The relationship between
and our lives is extremely close, no matter
toCorrect word choice
show examples
let us know about the past
or keep the current living to
ourChange the word
show examples
next generation.
, the
should continue spending
can benefit
's mental health and show the living
of different generations. It is
preciousCorrect article usage
show examples
treasuresFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of human
beingFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, the
should use
moneyAdd an article
show examples
the Change to a genitive case
the development of the arts
the development of the art
show examples