The rate of side-job employers in each nation of the United Kindom between 1980 and 2010 is presented in the bar chart.
, three of four countries showed an upward trend in the number of part-time workers for thirty-year experience. Linking Words
In contrast
, the total of freelancers in Northern Ireland precisely decreased gradually during three decades.
At the top level, England and Wales shared the highest number of employers for side-job in 2010 at 31% and 35%, respectively. Linking Words
, the latter was not as superior as the former which could increase considerably the figure of workers by 6% from 1980 to 2010. Meanwhile, it enhanced the sum of freelancers by 3%.
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, Northern Ireland and Scotland came to the fourth and fifth place, 12% versus 19%, in 2010. Interestingly, they had an opposite position in 1980 before the percentage of side-work employers in Northern Ireland declined moderately by the ninetieth; meanwhile the latter rose dramatically by 9%.Linking Words