Some people say that the best way for children to learn to read is my using online materials. Other say that printed materials should be used.discuss both views and give your opinion.

some say that learning to read using online
is the best way than using printed ones.
, on the other side, others believe
. I opine that for
, reading
is the most effective way to accelerate their ability in reading. There are many reasons why people think that digital is better than physical literacy. The prominent is because we are living in the modern era where everything is already computerised.
In addition
, online
are more simple and accessible. The parents do not need to be bothered to bring
everywhere, with only their phone or tab and the internet connection, they already can access ebooks.
, the abundance of resources online makes learning more convenient for the younger.
For example
, by Kindle
on Amazon, parents can find many references to
that are suitable for their
and they can read them whenever and wherever they are
as when they go on vacation.
In other words
, online
are more simple to access and to read.
On the other hand
, some people think that reading physical
has a variety of positive impacts on
For instance
, reading
can foster a love for reading through the experience of holding and turning pages. The diversity of words and structure of sentences they read can aid their memory and understanding of the topics.
, reading printed
can help to reduce screen time which is important for
's health and well-being. In a nutshell, a balanced approach using both online and printed
might be the most beneficial for catering to different learning styles and needs.
, after weighing up both sides of the argument and considering everything, I have concluded that the benefits of reading physical
outweigh the online
. It can help the
to enhance their memory and understanding,
as well as
enrich their vocabulary in their daily lives.
Submitted by nurulfitriakamilah on

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Ensure that your essay has a clear and concise introduction. The introduction in this essay is brief and doesn't fully outline the main points that will be discussed.
Work on creating a more complex structure within the body of the essay. Use a range of cohesive devices to link ideas more effectively across sentences and paragraphs.
Expand on your main points with more detailed and relevant examples. Each viewpoint needs to be explored in depth with clear, supporting evidence.
End with a conclusion that summarises the main points of the essay and reiterates your opinion. The conclusion in this essay, while present, could better reflect the discussion points.
Maintain a formal and academic tone throughout your essay, as expected in the IELTS exam. This essay maintains a generally formal tone.
Task Response
Fully address all parts of the task. This essay discusses both views but should provide a more balanced examination before stating a personal opinion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • interactive
  • multimedia
  • engagement
  • accessibility
  • digital literacy
  • tactile experience
  • foster
  • screen time
  • well-being
  • balanced approach
  • cater
  • learning styles
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