The rapid advancement of technology has significantly transformed various aspects of our lives. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this technological progress, and how can individuals and societies adapt to these changes?

There is no denying the fact that the rapid technological revolution has massively impacted our lives.
essay will discuss the advantages,
as well as
the disadvantages of
advancement, and suggest some techniques for people and societies to adapt to these changes. On
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hand, there are many advantages of
rapid improvement of technologies.
, it makes our lives easier and more convenient than before.
In addition
, it makes our universe like a small village.
In other words
, it affected our daily
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positively by making our movements easier and increasing our ability to connect with
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For example
, I'm located in Saudi Arabia, and my parents are living in Palestine, even though it is a far distance, I can call them with mere a click on my smartphone.
On the other hand
, I can consider some disadvantages,
as the cut of the physical connections. It is
possible to say that it has reduced face-to-face meetings,
, it has some negative impacts.
, it increases the potential to cheat, because we become not able to recognize others' reactions in some situations.
For instance
, if you have an online interview or exam, it will be easy for you to search the internet for the answers. In terms of
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adaptation techniques, individuals and societies can adapt by increasing people's awareness about the positive sides of
improvement and how they significantly added value to our lives. Another point to consider is that each person should be keen on life-long learning
as well as
acquiring new skills. In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages. It
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true that there are many available ways for people to adapt to these changes.
Submitted by shaymaa.khalaf91 on

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coherence cohesion
You need to ensure that your essay has a clear and logical structure throughout. Use a variety of linking words and organize your paragraphs effectively.
task achievement
Make sure to present both sides of the argument (advantages and disadvantages) in a balanced manner, and offer clear, developed ideas to support them.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are present but could be developed further to better summarize the main points and reinforce your position.
task achievement
Specific examples are provided but could be more detailed to strengthen your arguments.
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