Scientific mission has been regarded as the work of serving
' lives better. Though I find it fair enough to believe in that way, I find myself more
inclineWrong verb form
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towards the other targets
as flora and fauna as we
are coexistingWrong verb form
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on the globe.
It is doubtless that
has been bringing a lot of miracles and conveniences to our lives through new discoveries in all aspects from health to transportation or even education over time.
, without taking
the Correct article usage
show examples
other objects than just
into account, some formerly deemed as a game changer at the time it had been introduced to the public
turned out to be harmful to the environment that people are living in. As a creature
in the same ecosystem, we cannot avoid the unexpectedly negative impacts.
, the
findCorrect your spelling
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of plastic
for making containers out of
material by the Japanese has changed how people
are carryingWrong verb form
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stuff around and
packingWrong verb form
show examples
certain things. At
it was beneficial but the fact that plastic cannot self-destruct
becomes a big concern since it has overwhelmingly polluted the world later on.
, apart from
are worth receiving help from
as well. With the global climate change and the other inclusive factors, we have seen a significant loss in certain
nowadays compared to decades ago. It has been proved that it is a domino effect and
humanFix the agreement mistake
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be the
goingChange the verb form
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extinct as well if the deaths of other
are growingWrong verb form
show examples
at the same rate in
thousandsAdd the preposition
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years. For that reason, I do think the concentration of
work should be shifting to our fellow friends from other sorts of
In conclusion,
cannot be selfish to have
distributeWrong verb form
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only to their
conveniencesFix the agreement mistake
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and success regardless of the negative
on the other
resultedWrong verb form
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from some smart but not environmentally considerable enough experiments.
, we should apply
to the preservation of disappearing
because of our indirect but connected
relationReplace the word
show examples
, my belief
forChange preposition
show examples
's important mission is not only with
' lives but
the ecosystem in which
and plants are living.