Deforestation is a serious matter as the forest throughout the world are coming to an end what are the causes and solutions

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A major phenomenon that affects and destroys
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forests all over the world is called deforestation.
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is mainly because of a lack of control from the governments and the increased rate of population density.
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, there are some possible solutions which should be implemented to deal with
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, the reason for the deforestation issue is
due to
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uncontrolled and unmonitored processes from the government side.
In other words
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, there is a large number of people who are cutting down the trees in the
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for private purposes without any forced punishments.
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, a matter of the destroyed
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is because of the rise in the inhabitant density. For more explanations, people need more free spaces to construct a lot of buildings for accommodations.
As a result
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, the
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is one of the free spaces
that is
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occupied and replaced by buildings and apartments.
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behaviour leads to an endangered
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There are two effective solutions to the problem. One way to tackle
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is to impose fines for every breach by the governments and legal institutes.
For instance
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, every resident who cuts down a tree without legal approval should apply the law to pay the selected fine forcibly. Another method of reducing the deforestation issue is to enforce restrictions in every family in order to decrease the population rate.
For example
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, China sets a law which allows every family to have at maximum two children in order to limit the increasing rate of humans and the number of
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occupied forests to be converted for construction purposes. In conclusion, enforcing restrictions on every family and imposing fines
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cutting down the trees without legal commitment will play a role in tackling the problem.
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, the governments should start applying these solutions to overcome
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Try to construct your introduction and conclusion with more clarity, ensuring there is a distinct thesis statement and a summary of main points without introducing new ideas in the conclusion.
Ensure all paragraphs follow a logical structure with clear topic sentences that introduce the paragraph content. Use a range of cohesive devices to connect ideas within and across sentences and paragraphs, but be cautious of overusing them.
Supported Main Points
Expand your main points by providing specific examples and evidence to support them, which will help make your essay more persuasive and demonstrate a greater command of the topic.
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Address all parts of the task more fully by developing and extending your ideas. Make sure your essay provides a balanced approach to the causes and solutions of deforestation.
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Include more detailed and specific examples to support your arguments. This will illustrate your points more effectively and demonstrate a higher level of task achievement.
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