In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowlede or experience.

Having a place to live is
of human's basic necessities. Rather than renting it, owning a
is considered more crucial for
's lives in some nations.
due to
's desire for their children to inherit their
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, and it should be seen as a positive situation, considering the increasing land
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in the future. The practice of passing down a house as an inheritance happens because family aim to preserve their history and they wish their descendants to take care of it.
is because an owned
for generations,
making it valuable for the family.
For example
, most
in Indonesia own their homes rather than rent
, and
as a result
, these homes may date back a couple of decades ago, so they hold a special recollection for them. The children will be able to reminisce about their family's happy memories, especially after their parents pass away. In my opinion,
culture is actually advantageous for
as the land price is getting higher every day. The rising price of land happens because of the growing number of human populations in the country.
, inheriting a
means that younger individuals can allocate their funds towards other useful and important necessities.
For instance
, they can focus on improving their education rather than searching for a roof to live on. In conclusion, the reason why owning a
is more favourable rather than renting
due to
the fact that it can be passed from
generation to another, and
view is beneficial for their descendants because they can spend money on other essential things.
Submitted by ieltswriting91 on

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clear comprehensive ideas
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