To be successful in
is to have a
well settledAdd a hyphen
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. People who plan their
careerFix the agreement mistake
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earlyAdd an article
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have achieved more in
rather than the ones who have no
plans. In
I will provide reasons for the agreement of having a planned
and being
plays a vital role
to becomeChange preposition
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There are two reasons and the main reason is planning ahead helps you to pave
wayCorrect article usage
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futureCorrect article usage
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. The choices made at
earlyAdd an article
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help us to gain more
theCorrect article usage
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particular field and
ample amount of time to grow in the specific
. It is
published in a research paper that people at
youngAdd an article
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are more
to involve themselves actively
while Correct word choice
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compared to the ones who start at the later stages of
. Growing up in
a Correct article usage
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particular needs more dedication and responsibilities.
people in the latter stages have a pile of responsibilities to carry on.
, after a certain
your health gives up and the dedication needed to start a new chapter in
is far gone.
, staying focused and
is the key to any success in
. Change of plans frequently will hinder your
mind setCorrect your spelling
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and cause a lot of
confusionsFix the agreement mistake
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, affecting
theChange the word
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growth in
. In
era, there is a wide range of scope in different sectors and as much as enormous opportunities simultaneously the competition has its peak growth. In order to achieve the
goal in
competitive world one has to stay
in their choices and strive hard for
itCorrect pronoun usage
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, medicine is a vast sector and there is a variety of
specializationFix the agreement mistake
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with equal
competitionsFix the agreement mistake
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, to get into a
specialization one should choose their
field during their MBBS period and start working. on thesis paper so by the time they complete their MBBS
the next
steps are planned
In conclusion, planning early
staying focused and
plays a major role in achieving the
at a very early
with no plans will end up a crooked road which does not reach the destination and makes
very complicated.
, choosing a specific field and working hard towards it is what proves the passion towards your