Many people nowadays prefer online shopping. Is it a positive or negative development?

some proponents around the globe opt for the direction of purchasing their goods and commodities on digital platforms, opponents decline
method and
believe in the ancient way of getting their products and supplies. I believe that obtaining our necessities and needs through virtual websites
as well as
social media platforms can benefit us in various aspects.
To begin
with, the online way of purchasing things has developed and increased remarkably in recent times.
In other words
, if the customers obtain all of their products and services electronically, that will save them the burden of visiting those markets or department stores physically. An eminent example is those virtual markets,
as Amazon or E-bay, which predominantly offer a wide range of services, varieties, and products at appropriate rates and prices.
, not only is e-shopping beneficial and has benign effects on individuals, but it can
help in having a diversified economy.
In addition
, virtual shopping has become so prevalent after the pandemic a few years ago. To explain, when the COVID-19 crisis occurred, everything was affected and that has compelled us to amend our visions and our notions about numerous things.
For instance
, all people who are willing to buy what they require can avail of all those online stores and social media platforms without having the fear of being infected or transmitting the disease to other individuals.
,what can be said is that the methodology of online merchandise is salubrious and can prevent some contamination.
To conclude
essay has illustrated the points mentioned above, it can be said that digital shopping offers great profits to consumers and shoppers around the globe and will
contribute to economic prosperity. I reiterate my view that online shopping has more advantageous effects than in-person shopping.
Submitted by 00storm.harness on

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task achievement
Ensure to address both the positives and negatives of online shopping since the prompt asks to discuss whether it is a positive or negative development. Then clearly state your position.
coherence and cohesion
Work on developing clearer topic sentences to introduce the main points of each paragraph. This will help the reader understand the direction of the argument from the beginning of each paragraph.
task achievement
Include more specific examples to support your arguments. Examples add depth to your essay and illustrate your points convincingly.
coherence and cohesion
Strive for more complex sentence structures and use a wider range of cohesive devices to improve the flow and clarity of ideas within and between paragraphs.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • instant gratification
  • rapid advancement
  • instant communication
  • online shopping
  • fast food delivery
  • social media platforms
  • immediate feedback
  • recognition and validation
  • efficiency
  • productivity
  • convenience
  • decreased patience
  • delayed gratification
  • realistic expectations
  • work ethic
  • unrealistic expectations
  • stress
  • dissatisfaction
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