The most important aim of science should be to improve people's lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The highest level of knowledge is when it can be applied to the humans'
. I strongly agree with
statement for some reasons.
essay will
analyze the reasons before concluding. When technology was introduced for the first time, it received much hate because people thought that would replace their jobs. The experts
try to clarify that technology can live beside us without replacing our existence and society starts to accept it.
For instance
is what happens in Indonesia: conventional taxi drivers have protested the existence of online taxi platforms. But, soon after they realize that online platforms might help them find their passengers, they
decide to join the online platforms. On top of that, science without real-life implementation will be just a theory.
For example
, there is no point in learning artificial intelligence (AI) without applying it to daily
. Society does not want to know what is the definition of AI,
, they ask about what AI can do and how AI will help them.
For example
, before chatGPT (an online platform that will answer all your questions) was founded, people were not familiar with the term AI. Yet, when they are using chatGPT, they find it helpful and
they appreciate AI. In conclusion, the development of science would not be accepted by society if it
Wrong verb form
show examples
not have a role in their
, I agree that science should be implemented in the real world.
, scientists must always find new innovations in the world to help people's
Submitted by farrandyerza on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that your essay has a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. It is important that each paragraph begins with a clear topic sentence that states the main idea and that the following sentences develop and support this idea with examples or explanations.
coherence cohesion
Make sure to use linking words and phrases to help your essay flow naturally from one idea to the next. This will aid the reader in understanding the structure of your argument and the relationship between different parts of your essay.
task achievement
For task achievement, focus on fully answering the question. Directly address the prompt in your introduction and ensure that each body paragraph explores a different aspect of the prompt or provides a clear argument related to the prompt. Conclude with a summary of your main ideas and a clear statement of your viewpoint.
task achievement
Use varied vocabulary and sentence structures to express your ideas more precisely and to avoid repetition. This will help in clearly presenting comprehensive ideas that contribute to task achievement.
task achievement
Support your main points with relevant and specific examples. You can achieve this by elaborating on your examples with more details or by bringing in a wider range of evidence that closely aligns with the topic at hand.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • crucial role
  • technological advancements
  • medical discoveries
  • life-changing inventions
  • innovations
  • solutions to human problems
  • enhancing quality of life
  • improvement of healthcare
  • transportation
  • communication
  • agriculture
  • energy sectors
  • eradication of diseases
  • prolongation of life expectancy
  • global challenges
  • climate change
  • overpopulation
  • food security
  • developed world
  • underprivileged communities
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