schoolAdd an article
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prohibitedWrong verb form
show examples
their children
to bringChange preposition
show examples
to class. I totally agree with
thisCorrect determiner usage
show examples
rules where children need to focus more on the learning process without the distraction of the device.
The utilization of mobile
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
dependsWrong verb form
show examples
on the activities. People
usesChange the verb form
show examples
Add an article
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phoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for surfingChange preposition
show examples
internetAdd an article
show examples
, help them with their
assignmentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, and
updatingWrong verb form
show examples
the issues that are happening around the world.
, it is not really
to bring
to school.
, some schools apply
paper basedAdd a hyphen
show examples
teaching. That
of process
supportCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
children to be more active in class naturally by doing discussion face to face,
team workCorrect your spelling
show examples
improveWrong verb form
show examples
analytical thinking skills. Imagine if they bring the
, they would not put their effort to much to the learning process because they would think any
of task would be solved by
Another reason is that
,Remove the comma
show examples
wereChange the verb form
show examples
research about how
could impact the capacity of someone's
. Our
has the job
to absorbChange preposition
show examples
stimuli every second. Stimuli are the triggers for
brainAdd an article
show examples
to work. In
phoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
are the biggest stimuli. As we know, there are many attractions that we could get from
. Someone could switch between different
kindFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of platforms in a very short period of time. Those screening times lead to
increasingReplace the word
show examples
in the speed of our
regulation but in a negative way. Our
could notWrong verb form
show examples
cope well enough because many
comesCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
right away at the same time and do not have time to absorb them well.
affectsChange the verb form
show examples
on Change preposition
show examples
someone's term of
where it do not get the information well developed. Students
are requireChange the verb form
show examples
to have a good
for memorizing the subjects that were given. If they cannot handle it well, they will
feel Verb problem
show examples
struggle in order to
followingChange the verb
show examples
the curricula.
In conclusion, despite mobile
haveWrong verb form
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
positive impact, they
giveVerb problem
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
downside impact
for Change preposition
show examples
students who currently studying at school. They will rely on
in any
situationsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
hasCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
a Correct article usage
show examples
short termAdd a hyphen
show examples