Online shopping seems to be replacing the traditional method of buying. However some buyers are sceptical of this practice. Discuss both benefits and risks associated with online shopping.

Nowadays, the world is moving in the technology era.
choose suitable ways of living life
as ordering on the internet websites.
As a result
, online shopping is another way
that is
highlighting and replacing traditional stores.
, some
believe that there are disadvantages to online ordering. In my essay, I will navigate
complex issue, and try to strike a balance between online and physical platform buying. On the one hand, there are advantages of network shopping, including that
can easily access all the biggest suppliers at any time.
resource provides goods that directly support your demands.
, not only unparalleled conveniences but
favoured buyers. Since internet companies have special discounts for their customers.
For example
, there are low-price promotions on unusual days
as New Year’s Eve. Consequences, commodities with reasonable prices which
prefer to fulfil their needs.
On the other hand
, some
believe that it is better to buy things at the stores because online transactions have higher risks of fraud in online business.
Due to
impulsive buying, customers were deceived by marketing tactics or they could not check the product's qualification.
For instance
, being deceived in the present, including fake websites, counterfeit goods, and compromised personal data.
, online trading has disadvantages. In conclusion, digital platforms could be convenient to their buyers.
, there are effects on
where you have impulsive consumption.
, they should choose balanced ways between convenience and website reliability.
, the population should be carefully considered.
Submitted by hsmkashi on

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Including more specific examples can strengthen your argument. Aim for clarity and detail when providing evidence or illustrating points, as this will make your essay more persuasive and engaging for the reader.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • unparalleled convenience
  • vast selection
  • digital platforms
  • comparison shopping
  • impulsive buying
  • aggressive marketing tactics
  • risk of fraud
  • counterfeit goods
  • compromised personal data
  • immediate satisfaction
  • physical examination
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