that took
decisionAdd an article
show examples
to move out from their own country to a new one should adopt the local
and assimilate with the local
, there is another perspective that
Correct subject-verb agreement
show examples
supportCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
Wrong verb form
show examples
to haveChange the verb form
show examples
freedom and
Wrong verb form
show examples
establishedWrong verb form
show examples
a minority community so that they can adapt well to a new environment
essay will elaborate
Change preposition
show examples
thisCorrect determiner usage
show examples
two contradictive
pointFix the agreement mistake
show examples
viewsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
onChange preposition
show examples
the next paragraph.
should be the
oneCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
who try to adapt to
the Correct article usage
show examples
new places. It will be their new future home where they
lifeReplace the word
show examples
engagedWrong verb form
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
to learn about the local
and understand
mindFix the agreement mistake
show examples
without really
change aboutWrong verb form
show examples
who they really are.
is a good opportunity to open up
theCorrect article usage
show examples
higher understanding
aboutChange preposition
show examples
other cultures and easily connect to the local
from China
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
migrated to
UnitedCorrect article usage
show examples
States of America,
they Correct pronoun usage
show examples
tried to adopt the American
and now the children that often called as Asian - American have the benefit of easily
engagedWrong verb form
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
the community.
establish a minority community so that the burden of moving out to a "strange place" can be reduced. They will still feel like they are at home and have an opportunity to teach their own children about their
hope that it will still run through generations by generations so that they will not forget where they come from and keep improving their life to be a better one. It will make
the Correct article usage
show examples
society more
colorfulChange the spelling
show examples
tolerateReplace the word
show examples
withChange preposition
show examples
each other's
beliefFix the agreement mistake
show examples
the Remove the article
show examples
India'sChange noun form
show examples
immigrantFix the agreement mistake
show examples
that migrated to
UnitedCorrect article usage
show examples
Kingdom. They still true to their belief and teach their children
as Change preposition
show examples
what their parents taught them
especiallyAdd the comma(s)
show examples
the food
opened up a restaurant where
UnitedCorrect article usage
show examples
Kingdom can try Indian food without
travelWrong verb form
show examples
so far to India.
From my point of view, the
should be flexible. They need to be agile in trying to adapt to a new environment so that
the Correct article usage
show examples
society can accept them and treat them well, but on the other side of the coin, they
need to stay true
ofChange preposition
show examples
their belief and
so that their core identity will not disappear. They can be
an inspiration to both new local
and their ancestors in terms of perseverance and hard work.
from Change preposition
show examples
my friend,
she Correct pronoun usage
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
studentsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
migrateWrong verb form
show examples
from Indonesia to Korea, she set an
for Korean
about "patience" as what typical Indonesian
is, and
proof to other students in Indonesia that you can live in
harshAdd an article
show examples
environment but still be the salt and light to other