Most museums require
aChange the article
show examples
the rest are free.I believe that
generates income
toChange preposition
show examples
the survival of these
and Correct word choice
show examples
a Correct article usage
show examples
value to
the Correct article usage
show examples
generateCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
foreign revenue
toChange preposition
show examples
, the unaffordability for the
poorerReplace the word
show examples
is the major drawback of the above. Yet , I think
Correct article usage
show examples
of taking a
from entrees
the drawbacks
ofChange preposition
show examples
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
To commence with,
entranceCorrect article usage
show examples
for a museum will generate money to operate the place.Most of these
are poorly funded by the authorities ,and
if they do not generate an income from visitors, these
cannot survive in the long run.
, the one and only railway museum in Sri Lanka was
by the government in 2022
economicalReplace the word
show examples
crisis faced by the
Where as Correct your spelling
show examples
, if they
collectWrong verb form
show examples
money from the visitors it would have
been Unnecessary verb
show examples
survived till today.
Other than that, it would create
a Correct article usage
show examples
value for the art and
which have been displayed in these
, and they attract tourists a lot.
can generate good foreign revenue
toChange preposition
show examples
to the 2023 national
Correct article usage
show examples
of Sri Lanka
had Unnecessary verb
show examples
earned nearly 5%
from Change preposition
show examples
the total
tourism relatedAdd a hyphen
show examples
revenues for the
feeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
from these
have many advantages to the nation.
createsChange the verb form
show examples
a burden on poor people in a
,Remove the comma
show examples
they have the
to see
the Correct article usage
show examples
as the citizens of the
price barrier prevents their
, governing bodies can introduce
for the poor countrymen. Just as in Japan
whereCorrect your spelling
show examples
noAdd a missing verb
show examples
for the Japanese
low incomeAdd a hyphen
show examples
families and children below 16 years to visit their museums.
In conclusion,
collectionCorrect article usage
show examples
of an
useWrong verb form
show examples
to function
theseChange preposition
show examples
a Correct article usage
show examples
good foreign revenue
toChange preposition
show examples
, poor people lost the
to seeChange preposition
show examples
byChange preposition
show examples
, but
if authorities
involveWrong verb form
show examples
and looked at
inChange preposition
show examples
a Correct article usage
show examples
ground they still
can Verb problem
show examples
negotiate with
problem effectively. As
is inVerb problem
show examples
strong notion that
advantagesCorrect article usage
show examples
of charges at a museum
the disadvantages
ofChange preposition
show examples
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples