You are visiting a town where you once worked. Write a friend you worked with there. Include the following in your letter: Tell your friend about life now. Give him/her details of your visit. Arrange how you can meet.

Dear Alex, How are you? I hope you are doing great .I have been wanting to go
Change preposition
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back to my old job in Canada, where you and I met. I have never been able to do it before . Now I have
opportunity. As you already know my
started to get better from
Add an article
the period
a period
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of my work in America
; I started investing, selling clothes and much more, I bought a 2-storey house, got married and have a son and daughter. Based on
, my
has improved slightly. I just finished all my business a couple of days ago and decided that the whole family will go to Canada. I will improve my skills there and we can meet you in our company called " Salamanders" As you know, we are still young, how about we meet at our old cafe. The location of the cafe is still in the city centre under the big bridge where we
Wrong verb form
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to sit on Sundays, there is still
Change the article
the same
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atmosphere of comfort if you agree, let's move our meeting to
week, we can discuss a lot about our
, how you like to tell stories from
. I look forward to your reply with great enthusiasm. Kind regards, Arthur
Submitted by omondavlat91 on

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task achievement
To improve task response, ensure you address all parts of the prompt fully. While your letter mentions the main points, elaborating more on each point with details or examples will help enhance clarity and completeness. Consider expanding on the details of your visit and the arrangements for meeting.
coherence cohesion
For coherence and cohesion, focus on logically organizing your ideas and ensuring smooth transitions between paragraphs. Use connecting words and phrases to link ideas more effectively. Additionally, consider a more consistent paragraph structure where each paragraph focuses on a single aspect of your letter.
Check your letter for grammatical mistakes and ensure correct punctuation and capitalization. Proper use of grammar and punctuation will not only make your letter clearer but also more professional.
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