With increasing populations and ever growing urban centers, many countries are losing their natural beauty spots. What benefits are there to protecting places of natural beauty? How can this be solved?

The human population is exploding at an alarming rate, requiring more resources to build residential areas and factories.
As a result
, natural beauty venues are being diminished to accommodate human demands.
issue could be deterred by enforcing stringent punishments and robust judicial efforts. In
essay, I will
discuss the benefits of preserving these locations. On the one hand, there is a general consensus about the benefits of preserving natural elegance
, natural tourist locations are considered ideal destinations for tourism, offering a sense of refreshment and comfort.
For instance
often experience calm and relief from stress when immersed in natural scenery.
, many elderly individuals choose to settle in nature-friendly rural venues after retirement.
, these
offer tourism opportunities, creating employment for locals and promoting economic development.
For example
, there is an increase in the number of UK tourists booking ecotourism hotels operated by local businesses. After arriving, tourists often participate in learning how to make delicate crafts from Indigenous
On the other hand
, the increasing demand for housing and factories is causing the loss of natural refinement
issue can be addressed through effective measures. In terms of solutions, the government plays a crucial role.
, stricter regulations should be introduced to protect these fields from pollution and construction.
In particular
, stringent punishments can act as a strong deterrent, discouraging
from breaking the law.
As a result
will dispose of their litter appropriately, and businesses will refrain from commercializing these
, the authority should limit factory construction permits and transform natural venues into eco-tourism destinations with minimal environmental impact.
, The authority could enforce environmental regulations by redesigning land-use plans for factory places.
For instance
, they could designate protected areas, establish green belts, and create wildlife corridors around factories to minimize habitat destruction and maintain harmonious landscapes. These judicial efforts will curb the expansion of human demands.
To conclude
, natural beauty
enhance human living quality and promote national development.
, government intervention is crucial to mitigating threats to these natural fields.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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task achievement
Your essay presents clear and comprehensive ideas about the benefits of preserving natural beauty spots and potential solutions to the problem. However, it could benefit from a bit more specificity in certain areas. For instance, you could provide more concrete examples of laws or policies that have been successful in other places.
coherence cohesion
While your essay is logically structured and the ideas flow well, transitions between some paragraphs and ideas could be smoother. Additionally, there are a few minor grammatical errors and awkward phrasings that could be polished.
task achievement
You have provided a complete response to the task, addressing both the benefits and solutions in a clear manner.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a well-defined introduction and conclusion, making the overall essay easier to follow.
task achievement
The examples used are relevant and help to illustrate your points effectively.
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