Nowadays, many
consider that
governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
dutyAdd an article
show examples
to help their
civilReplace the word
show examples
improvingWrong verb form
show examples
their health. In my opinion, I mainly agree with that.
On the
awardingVerb problem
show examples
payFix the infinitive
show examples
more attention
inChange preposition
show examples
health has
it’sReplace the word
show examples
benefitFix the agreement mistake
show examples
majorityCorrect article usage
show examples
labour of
region. They can make
hundredCorrect article usage
show examples
billion dollars
annualChange the word
show examples
year. Consuming products in daily life and
payWrong verb form
show examples
taxFix the agreement mistake
show examples
forChange preposition
show examples
governmentAdd an article
show examples
governments have
duty to repay
back to their national
. Of course.
way is
recallChange the verb form
show examples
take care
themselvesChange preposition
show examples
advertisementChange the noun form
show examples
as social media, TV shows or
warningFix the agreement mistake
show examples
beside the road. It helps
governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
improvingWrong verb form
show examples
the quality of
laboursFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and decreasing
the number of
paymentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in civil welfare.
On the opposite, as I mentioned before,
governmentAdd an article
show examples
should take
their Correct pronoun usage
show examples
to payChange preposition
show examples
Change preposition
show examples
human’sChange noun form
show examples
welfare. If there were
largeChange the article
show examples
amount of
getting sick,
governmentAdd an article
show examples
willWrong verb form
show examples
pay considerable money
onChange preposition
show examples
it. No
wantChange the verb form
show examples
to get into that situation.
, reminding
to prevent
from Change preposition
show examples
illness will be more effective than
payWrong verb form
show examples
their bill
ofChange preposition
show examples
treatment, because once someone
goChange the verb form
show examples
to hospital,
whateverCorrect word choice
show examples
serious or not,
governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
should spend a part of
moneyAdd an article
show examples
, maybe occupied six in ten.
, if someone
gotVerb problem
show examples
a headache
and went to see a doctor, personally taking $200 and
governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
paying $120 for him or
sheChange the pronoun
show examples
, it only pays $50
for advertisingChange preposition
show examples
how it is impossible for
do Unnecessary verb
show examples
stayFix the infinitive
show examples
up late, and
, it will avoid
happenedWrong verb form
show examples
In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone. I mainly agree that
governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
takeWrong verb form
show examples
more attention
inChange preposition
show examples
the prevention of
healthyReplace the word
show examples
problems and illness rather than treatment and medicine because it
willWrong verb form
show examples
be brilliant
thatCorrect word choice
show examples
governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
makeVerb problem
show examples
profits from it.