Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve the growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? What other measures do you think might be effective?

congestion and
pollution are popular problems of the modern era. In
essay, I will discuss how an increase in petroleum prices exacerbates commodity rates.
, establishing a public
system can mitigate both challenges. Increasing fossil fuel prices has repercussions on the economy. It will affect the supply chain because of logistics costs
as a result
purchase power of humans will decrease.
For instance
, in Pakistan crude oil prices fluctuate abruptly, and authorities update their rates every two weeks so not only supply line is disturbed but
people can not afford basic necessities of life like cereals, vegetables, meat, and fruits.
, a petroleum price hike is not a remedy for
congestion and
, authorities can provide a state-of-the-art public
system to counter the
contamination dilemmas. Since public
is a convenient approach, a huge influx of commuters will efficiently move to their destinations with only a few vehicles which will curb the number of vehicles on roads.
For example
, Lahore a densely populated city in Pakistan, a few years ago, was facing the challenges of
jams and fog.
, the government came into action and decided to accomplish two mega projects namely Orange Line Train, and Metor Bus Transit after completing both of these not only
quality was improved.
, public
is highly inevitable for smooth
flow and a sustainable environment. In conclusion, in
essay, I argue that petroleum price hikes deteriorate commodities rates.
, a public
system can overcome the
and pollution challenges.
Submitted by Haris Khan on

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Introduction & Conclusion
Ensure that your introduction clearly presents your position on the topic and that your conclusion effectively summarizes your arguments and restates your stance.
Logical Structure
Structure your essay with clear paragraphs for each main point, making use of topic sentences to introduce the point of each paragraph, and ensure logical connections between ideas for better flow.
Supported Main Points
While providing examples, try to make them directly relevant to the point you're arguing, and ensure that they clearly support your position on whether increasing petrol prices is an effective measure against traffic and pollution.
Task Achievement
To fully address the task, ensure your argument covers all aspects of the question. Discuss both sides of the argument if required, and make sure to clearly state to what extent you agree or disagree, providing thorough support for your position.
Clear & Comprehensive Ideas
Improve clarity by focusing on one idea per paragraph and thoroughly explaining or analyzing how this idea addresses the topic. Avoid overgeneralization by providing specific details or examples.
Language Use
Use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to enhance your essay's readability and to effectively convey your arguments. This will also make your essay more engaging and persuasive.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Discourage
  • Incentivize
  • Alternative energy
  • Public transportation
  • Lower-income
  • Carpool
  • Ride-sharing
  • Congestion
  • Urban planning
  • Pedestrian-friendly
  • Tax incentives
  • Electric and hybrid vehicles
  • Emissions standards
  • Cleaner vehicles
  • Congestion charges
  • Bicycle lanes
  • Sustainable
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