The bar chart shows the average size class in primary schools and lower secondary schools in 6 countries compared to the world average in 2006.

The bar chart shows the average size class in primary schools and lower secondary schools in 6 countries compared to the world average in 2006.
bar chart depicts the figure for the average number of
per class in primary schools and lower secondary schools in six various countries (South Korea, Japan, the UK, Mexico, Denmark and Iceland) compared to the World average in 2006. It is clear from the graph that , It is an obvious fact that South Korea was the first place for the rate of
both at primary and lower secondary schools.
According to
what is shown, In South Korea, the number of
was around 33 for the primary section
was roughly 36 for the lower secondary section. Turning to the primary and the lower secondary sections in Japan, the former was 28 and the latter was 34.
, the lowest rate of
in the lower secondary field was 18 in the UK and
rate was lower by two
than in Iceland.
In addition
average was equal to the proportion of
for primary in Mexico.
To sum up
, we could say that, the former part was lower by two ,
, the latter part was lower by approximately six.
, the world ratios were higher than in Iceland.
Submitted by Leb.7149 on

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