Task 2: What can be done to maintain biodiversity?

It is a fact that strong global industrialization, economic race and emigrations nowadays are putting a variety of flora and fauna on the verge of extinction. Some
might say that it is a price human must pay for progress.
, there are some solutions that the government, local authorities and each individual should do to reverse
trend. In the first place, the government could impose new strict laws against activities that cause harm to the environment. Those can be named as indiscriminate logging, rare-species hunting, forest destruction, strip mining, etc. Alarmingly, a lot of
have tried to earn money by all means despite the environmental decay, which has caused the disappearance of animals and plantsand, the broken food chain
due to
the loss of natural habitat. If there were more deterrence from authorities, those
might not dare to conduct
cruel things. In the second place, each individual could
play a role in healing the world.
could start helping the biodiversity by small simple steps like not littering, limiting the use of plastic bags, and planting more trees.
, education is important to create better awareness about protecting
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, children should be taught early about our limited natural resources, and the importance of vegetation and biodiversity so that later they can become adults responsible for using effective energy, dealing well with oil spills, replacing fossil fuel with renewable energy, and creating more green spaces.
, we could make use of the powerful development of popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok,... to hold propaganda campaigns to raise support and funds to protect "Red Book" species. In conclusion, biodiversity is standing a high risk of being seriously broken. Taking those actions above would help protect all kinds of rare animals and plants around us.
Submitted by thuhong.68hnue on

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