By the day vast of individuals prefer to be self-employed
compareWrong verb form
show examples
to others who work for organizations.One of the most essential
reasonChange to a plural noun
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ofChange preposition
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situation is the fact
non-staffCorrect word choice
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will provide them
to haveVerb problem
show examples
Flexibility and Autonomy.
AlthoughCorrect word choice
show examples
, working for oneself can
be Unnecessary verb
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for Change preposition
show examples
work-life balance
challengeFix the agreement mistake
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the fact that many people value
the Correct article usage
show examples
autonomy, they
tendsChange the verb form
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to conсentrate their attention on being start-uppers.It
must be admitted that , if they by being company’s staff have experienced any inconvenient atmosphere or pressure which is quite widespread among colleagues they
would like to be self-employed . If they
are Unnecessary verb
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kind of position in society as
beginnerAdd an article
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they will be able to have not only freedom (their own
time tableCorrect your spelling
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and ruling) but
offers Verb problem
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the flexibility to set
one’sCorrect your spelling
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own schedule and work environment.
, two years ago my brother decided to leave a company where he
hasWrong verb form
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been working for twelve months session and the main issue was his mental health which
showWrong verb form
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resistReplace the word
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in order to not to communicate with other office workers
ambianceChange the spelling
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pursuitAdd an article
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to beChange preposition
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free from
organizationsChange noun form
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regulations is the motive
ofChange preposition
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leaving traditional industries
FromChange preposition
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the other hand , there are some disadvantages which
isChange the verb form
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noticed in
feelingFix the agreement mistake
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as healthiness and stability between their performance and social life .
, self-employment can lead to long hours and difficulty disconnecting from work. The responsibility for the success of the business can blur the lines between personal and professional life.
, my brother has made a decision to open a company
byChange preposition
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his own and he completely mentioned his full
onChange preposition
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the office to improve income and other factors.
he has not had any
for his challenges with family members or friends.
, he generally does not have leisure
affectChange the verb form
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on Change preposition
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health disorders.
issueCorrect article usage
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of keeping in equilibrium
inChange preposition
show examples
personal items is
onCorrect your spelling
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of the most common
betweenChange preposition
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starter influencers.
In conclusion , Autonomy and pressure
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
Add an article
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causeFix the agreement mistake
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of leaving industries ,
startWrong verb form
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a few deals by their selves can damage on steadiness.