table provides key information about the ratio of monthly income, which was spent by a family on various items in five European countries. The units were measured in percentages. Linking Words
, it can be seen that spending on clothing was the lowest in these countries except Turkey. Linking Words
In addition
, the expenditure of the family in France, Germany, or the UK on housing showed the maximum, Linking Words
their spending on clothing represented the lowest.
Linking Words
According to
what is shown, French, German, and British families allocated about a third of their earnings to housing, at 31%, 33%, and 37% respectively, which was considered the highest spending compared to other things. Linking Words
In contrast
, their expenditures on housing were minor, at 7%, 15%, and 11% respectively.
In terms of Turkey and Spain, they spent more on food and drink, at around 36% and 31% respectively, but Turkish people spent a tenth of their budget on entertainment, which was Linking Words
minor, and the lowest spending for Spanish individuals was on clothing, at 8%.Change the article