Q) Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoid any change. others, however, think that change is always a good thing. discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, people are divided over whether being open to changes in existence is better than doing the same things.
essay aims to shed light on both opinions and reveal my personal perspective. On the one hand, doing the same things daily can offer individuals some advantages which are considered to be very helpful in their social and work lives.
To begin
with, people can make a few mistakes when they are familiar with every situation or problem happening at work.
, when facing challenges they tend to behave as they usually do, which makes them feel reassured and comfortable, paving the way for success in work life.
In addition
, they can behave and make wise decisions freely within society if they encounter everyday events.
For instance
, I often feel self-confident when I decide on an issue
that is
familiar to me or I have done it several times before.
On the other hand
, those who believe that modifications are very good in activity have their own respective opinions that can not be overlooked. Today's hectic pace of society requires people to be open and ready for any change happening in every aspect of their lifespan. First of all, newly developed business sectors and IT jobs demand workers who possess a high level of problem-solving skills in order to tackle all the issues regarding their jobs. To cite an example,
due to
technological advancements, computer systems are becoming more complex day by day.
, it is worth having an aptitude for solving each problem rooted in the transformations.
, individuals who are very good at handling the shifts seem to be creative, so they are more likely to get a well-paid job in the future.
To sum up
doing the same things can be somehow beneficial, I tend to think that opening up to adjustments is very advantageous in terms of success and job prospects.
Submitted by bhoswriting on

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Task Achievement
Continue to develop your argument with balanced views and ensure your conclusion reflects your overall opinion for a stronger task achievement.
Coherence Cohesion
Try to use a wider variety of linking words and phrases to enhance the flow of your essay, while maintaining clarity and coherence.
Task Achievement
Well-balanced discussion of both views and a clear personal perspective.
Task Achievement
Effective use of examples to support your points.
Coherence Cohesion
Logical structure and clear paragraphing make the essay easy to follow.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Comfort zone
  • Proficiency
  • Resistance
  • Stability
  • Monotony
  • Adaptability
  • Personal growth
  • Opportunities
  • Evolve
  • Self-awareness
  • Novel experiences
  • Stagnation
  • Routine
  • Disruptions
  • Fear of the unknown
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