The map below show the village of Stockefort in 1930 and in 2010

The map below show the village of Stockefort in 1930 and in 2010
The diagrams illustrate the significant developments of the village called Stockefor from 1930 to 2010.
, it is evident that the village has witnessed tremendous changes in terms of residential areas and recreational facilities during the period. In 1930, there was a long river, which
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Correct article usage
the southwest
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of the village to the north and there was
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farmland to the southwest of the area, at the top of that, there were constructed some buildings,
as a post office and shops. In the centre of the area, there were 3 large houses, which were situated around gardens. To the north of
Correct article usage
the gardens
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, there was an educational facility. In 2010, farmland areas and shops were demolished,
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2 new roads were built, which
Correct subject-verb agreement
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off the main road. In the centre, an area which is in the shape of
Correct article usage
a square
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was constructed and it is noticeable that housing was extended. New residential areas and retirement houses were added
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alongside the primary school and around the garden.
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Vocabulary: Only 5 basic words for charts were used.
Vocabulary: The word "around" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • transformation
  • infrastructure
  • facilities
  • landscape
  • sparse population
  • residential areas
  • commercial zones
  • recreational facilities
  • agricultural lands
  • local economy
  • transportation infrastructure
  • connectivity
  • public amenities
  • green spaces
  • quality of life
  • historical buildings
  • landmarks
  • preservation
  • urban development
  • environmental impacts
  • natural landscapes
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