The charts present how students of a university utilize their budget in 2000 compared to 2010, giving percentages spent on seven different areas of its operation. It can be easily observed that the most amount of money is used for basic survival needs, so Food and drink, which are given the unchanged percentage of 29.
, the second place for large expenditures is given to Utilities, which have significantly expanded given the short time period, requiring 6% more in 2010 than in 2000. Linking Words
, Sports and Linking Words
seem to occupy a highly important role in students’ lives, as 17% is Replace the word
high on the scale and remained the same through these years. Linking Words
, other areas Linking Words
as transport and eating out suffered a minor increase, by 1% and by 4%, respectively. Linking Words
On the other hand
, it can be detected that the money spent on clothes has decreased drastically by 11%.Linking Words