Many companies are developing electronic books. Some people think these books will replace paper books in the future. To what extent do you agree?

Technological advancements have allowed widespread access to
without boundaries,
are widely available.
, many people argue that hardcopies will be replaced by e-
, many others argue that printed-out copies are necessary. I consider that both are required and in
essay, I explain my reasons in detail. To start with, hundreds of people still prefer to read and learn from
that have been printed because with these their brains could analyze pieces of
For example
, some neuroscientist researchers have shown that acquiring knowledge might be easier by highlighting keywords and ideas
as well as
writing them on a paper.
is explained because of the establishment of stronger synapsis in the Central System Nervous,
robust neural connections to memorize either for the long or the short term.
reason, paper
are not considered outdated and remain one of the most powerful ways of teaching.
In contrast
, the technology is offering many cutting-edge tools that should be leveraged in order to perform some tasks quickly.
, there are some references that are only available online
as well
Correct word choice
show examples
obtaining digital sources is easier and faster.
For example
, most physicians must know about updated guidelines for treatments, and the upcoming recommendations to give patients not only the most innovative management but
execute the most reliable procedures.
, electronic
has considerable merits as a resource of
To sum up
, upsides and stumbling blocks should be evaluated individually to establish the best way for reading and learning. Since there is strong evidence that supports either paper or electronic
, I completely believe that each person has their own requirements and they should use what is really convenient for them.
Submitted by luciaagudelomotta on

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task achievement
Try to provide a clearer thesis statement in your introduction that outlines your main arguments more distinctly.
coherence & cohesion
Enhancing the range of linking words can improve the flow of your essay and better connect your ideas.
task achievement
Including more specific examples or evidences can strengthen your arguments and make your position clearer.
task achievement
You successfully presented a balanced view by discussing the advantages of both paper and electronic books.
coherence & cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, establishing a good structure.
coherence & cohesion
Good use of complex sentences and a range of vocabulary that enhances the overall readability of the essay.
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