Marketing and promotion is the key to a successful business. To what extent do you agree?

In contemporary times,
school of thought holds that advertising plays an integral part in a successful
I accept that
perception is somewhat justified, I assert that there are other negative factors that might logically lead to opposition. On the
hand, it is understandable why firms want a successful strategy in terms of marketing and promotion. On an individual level, people have a tendency to attract new
, which appear on television or
Change preposition
in newspapers
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multiple times. If
direct their
to the clients through marketing
they will have huge advantages compared with other competitors.
, in the era of modernization, more and more people glue their eyes to the screen to purchase items through online applications
as Facebook or Instagram. Not only, save more money since sellers do not need to rent official stores, but
attracts more online users to purchase their
, for these goods meet the needs of those users.
On the other hand
, there are a host of compelling reasons why I am convinced that advertising could be disadvantageous to a multinational
rationale is that the expenditure for marketing campaigns is exorbitant for medium to small-scale businesses.
, the leader is not sure when it comes to the break-even, since they are allocating more resources to the advertising strategy, and forgot to invest money in other core sectors
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human resources, and customer services,... Another reason is ethical concerns regarding misleading advertisements. In order to have sufficient financial resources to have a chance to sell the
through internet applications, the manager needs to boost the work productivity to meet the needs of their clients.
, the items will not have enough standards for customers to use. In conclusion,
it is irrefutable that marketing and sales items strategy is the top priority for a fulfilled firm, I would contend that it is risky for
's firm to prefer advertising over other components to lead to the success of a
Submitted by hungn61001 on

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To further boost your task achievement score, ensure that every paragraph directly addresses the prompt. Make explicit links between your examples and the statement being discussed.
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You present a balanced view, exploring both sides of the argument effectively, which meets the task's requirements.
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Your essay has a clear structure with an identifiable introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, contributing to its overall coherence.
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The essay touches on relevant issues concerning marketing and its impact, which adds to the comprehensiveness of your response.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Visibility
  • Market recognition
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Online advertising
  • Consumer behavior
  • Brand loyalty
  • Purchasing decisions
  • Brand identity
  • Ethical concerns
  • Financial burden
  • Innovation
  • Saturated market
  • Customer engagement
  • Traditional vs. modern marketing
  • Market trends
  • Feedback analysis
  • Adaptability
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