Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion

It is considered by some that entending and aggravating the punishments is the most effective way to decrease the rate of crimes,
others disagree and think more operative alternatives can be suggested. In
essay, I will look at both sides of the argument and present my opinion in favour of the latter. On the one hand, prolonged prison sentences may have a significant impact on the offenders, yet it would not produce magnificent results. To illustrate, a criminal thinks twice before committing an infraction and hesitates since the thought of lifelong captivity is a preventive factor.
, if a person commits an atrocity and gets arrested, it is obvious that criminals stay in jail under the current laws as well.
, there is no decrease in the ratio of corruption. There is still a plethora number of thieves or murderers outside and they are not afraid of getting caught. From
point of view, people cannot eradicate evil in the way of focusing merely on the length of punishments.
On the other hand
, taking ample precautions is more influential rather than prolonged prison sentences. The quality of security of a city is an integral part of the safety and criminals can move more readily in an insecure place.
For instance
, the number of cameras in the cities can ensure that if a person has a tendency to do illegal manner, police find them by using the records in a matter of minutes. Apart from that, another alternative way is to increase security at the desolate points does leave no room for the case.
alternative ideas are more sensible, feasible and powerful measures and prevent atrocity before it happens. In conclusion, my opinion on the matter is that longer prison life is not an adequate solution. The governments should direct their attention to increasing and improving the security in the cities, towns or villages. I believe that felonies are possible by restricting the potential moves of criminals.
Submitted by praveenmodi28596 on

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