n the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. What extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is no denying the fact that the newest online method to read news of books replaced people's behaviour rather than the traditional ones.
While it
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is a commonly held belief that the cheapest way to read and the availability of online sources will make nobody want to buy printed journals or books. There is
an argument that opposite it. I believe that online websites are more practical and better.
To begin
with, the unique methods of reading are more efficient
according to
the technological revolution that we face.
In other words
, It can provide several features
as reading everywhere, at any time,
we browse various social media platforms.
In addition
, online websites have a significant role in increasing the visual
as well as
leading individuals to read even if they do not
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want to
For example
, traditional printed newspapers and books can not provide multi-media templates
as videos, audio and numerous pictures. Another point to consider, traditional methods contributed a lack to ------ the modern generation. It is
possible to say that our generation prefers to have the news and information in a very easy way.
action is only available on social media and websites.
, demonstrates a credible source to the audience and builds a link of trust between them.
For instance
, a survey by Reuters News Agency showed that online sources are more efficient and have various benefits
according to
people's opinions. In conclusion, despite people having different views I tend to believe that I stand up with the new online method for numerous cases
as well as
it is more cheap and useful.
Submitted by zaidamrat5 on

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task achievement
Ensure that the essay directly answers all parts of the task prompt. Expand more on why some people still might prefer printed newspapers and books and address counterarguments more comprehensively.
task achievement
Work on the clarity of ideas. Some sentences are a bit awkward and unclear in meaning. For instance, 'increasing the visual as well as leading individuals to read even if they do not want to' could be clearer.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that paragraphs are logically structured, and ideas flow smoothly from one to another by using appropriate linking phrases and conjunctions.
coherence cohesion
Avoid repetitive points. For example, the introduction and conclusion mention many of the same ideas without much additional insight.
task achievement
A clear stance is taken in the introduction, and this position is maintained throughout the essay.
task achievement
The essay provides relevant reasons and examples to support the main argument, especially the emphasis on technological benefits.
coherence cohesion
There is a clear introduction and a conclusion, which helps to frame the essay well.
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