With deforestation, urban development and illegal hunting, many animal species are becoming endangered as they lose their habitat and some are even threanted to the point of extenction. Do you think it is important to protect animals? What measures can be taken to deal with the problem.

Nowadays, more and more
are endangered
due to
an increasing trend of cutting forests down
as well as
illegal poaching and urban development.
essay will discuss the main causes of
phenomenon and provide a logical solution. I believe that the reason is an irresponsible attitude of humans to our environment and a viable solution is to create reserves with similar terrain for endangered
. First of all, people have kept damaging the ecosystem throughout the centuries, because of the belief that they can take control of any area and kill its creatures. Even nowadays, they clear woods to make a way for building, without considering damaging
` habitats. Getting rid of essential for local
as trees and soil, and lowering air quality would oblige the fauna to seek for new territory.
poaching is now forbidden in many countries,
still can be killed for outwear purposes. For these reasons, there is a huge list of extinct beasts now. To gain a solution for
calamity, there should be constructed nature reserves which have a similar climate and habitat zone for certain species.
For instance
, equipping pandas with an area where grow bamboo for eating and
creating a suitable for them climate from their nation of origin will prevent these creatures from dying and revive the breed.
To sum up
, banned hunting, urban development, and deforestation are the main threats to the fauna. The foremost reason lies in the attitude of people towards
, and to partly alleviate
problem individuals must create an appropriate environment for various kinds of
Submitted by chtpstmy42 on

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Your essay presents a clear argument and addresses the question effectively. However, consider enhancing the richness of your ideas and providing more detailed examples to strengthen your argument further.
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While the essay is generally well-organized, paying closer attention to paragraph transitions can enhance the overall flow. For instance, use more cohesive devices to link ideas smoothly between sentences and paragraphs.
introduction conclusion
Your introduction effectively outlines the main causes and provides a clear position, which sets a solid foundation for your essay.
supported main points
You provided relevant examples such as the case of pandas and bamboo forests, which support your points well.
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