In some countries, more people show interest in the history of building they live in. what are the reasons for this? How can people research this question?

Some people believe that searching about the timeline of buildings is extremely important. In
report, I will present the reasons
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belief, and I will share ideal methods to do that.
To begin
with, people do that in order to count the building's age, and to know
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they need to fix it or it is suitable to live in. For
explanation, some buildings need to be fixed because of the wrong usage, so asking about the building's history is helpful to do that early.
, some buildings need to be rebuilt because of being antique.
For example
, a story on the internet illustrates that after buying a foundation, it suddenly
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down and the customer lost his money, so asking about the history is economical. There are several ways to discover that
as asking engineers, looking at the building's documents, asking the dealer, and analysing the blocks.
For example
, in KSA, it is essential to tell the customer if the house has any
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and to admit how old is the house.
, many engineers acknowledge that they can easily discover if the building needs to be fixed or
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depending on the materials that were used in it, but
method is extremely expensive.
, there are some studies show that by analysing part of the building, they can predict the number of years it will be able to survive
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method is not really common and might be wrong sometimes. In conclusion, searching about the building's history is strategic, helpful, useful, beneficial, and important;
, there are several ways to do that and each one of them holds some merits
as well as
Submitted by haneenalnetaif on

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Provide a clearer and more precise thesis statement in the introduction to guide the reader about what will be discussed in the essay.
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Develop and expand on the main points more thoroughly. Adding more detailed examples and explanations will strengthen the response.
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Improve transitional phrases and coherence within and between paragraphs to ensure the flow of ideas is smoother.
coherence cohesion
Proofread for minor grammatical and spelling errors to enhance clarity and readability.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which aids in maintaining coherence.
task achievement
Addresses the task effectively by providing reasons why people are interested in the history of buildings and methods to research this information.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • cultural identity
  • architectural appreciation
  • craftsmanship
  • historical context
  • silent witness
  • restoration efforts
  • significant events
  • personal history
  • monetarily
  • sentimentally
  • community pride
  • inhabitants
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