The two maps illustrate the external and internal changes in the design of a health centre that happened from 2005 until the present day

The two maps illustrate the external and internal changes in the design of a health centre that happened from 2005 until the present day
the diagrams present the modifications that have taken place in the health centre between the year 2005 and the present.
it is clear that
the health centre is enlarged and redesigned.
, parking lots are expanded
the garden area is reduced.
To begin
with, Physiotherapy and office remained in the same position but their size was shrunk. A C3 room was demolished and the entrance was moved from the bottom of the facility to the left side,
as well as
, a reception desk which was relocated to the left corner.
, children's play areas were
added near the reception desk and the door. The old CR1 and CR2 rooms were changed into CR4 and CR3,
, the old entrance area became the rooms for CR1 and CR2. The new minor operations room was constructed on the top left corner of the building.
, the seats inside the care centre were rearranged
both old fences which located
Change preposition
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the bottom left and right were repositioned. The number of cars which can park in the car
Replace the word
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increased by 18.
Submitted by nnatthinee on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "while".
Vocabulary: Replace the words cr with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "present" was used 2 times.
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