Today more and more people wants things instantly (e.g.: goods, services, news,). Why is it? Is it positive or negative development?

In the
few decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of facilities and products or individuals’ requirements so there are more communities who want to fulfil their demands or good services. From my perspective, I think
is because they want to have a good life with many convenient ways in order to satisfy their pleasant. One of the reasons why citizens want to have goods immediately is to satisfy their contemporary demands.
is because they are immature and have a lack of self-awareness,
happens when they see something interesting that makes them attracted to and buy without thinking.
affects the hormones in their body
as endorphin and dopamine so
can make them addicted to shopping and inspirationally desire to buy some goods, services or news.
For example
, in the present day, there are more individuals who need go to shopping than in the past, some researches illustrate that the rate of the public who go to e-commerce frequently is higher than society who don’t.
, the Port Age Develops can make more people want to meet their needs now than in the past.
, needing more needs can have a negative effect on their future.
is because, if they buy something immediately, they won’t wonder if
stuff will be useful in the future or they will buy it or their emotions without thinking that they will use it for a long age.
extremely wastes their day and their money meanwhile they can spend
to buy some useful stuff to improve their daily life.
In addition
, the desire for something immediate can be addictive to them.
is because, if their demands are responded to regularly,
will cause a bad habit that the population will be addicted to.
causes annoying feelings to them because of not meeting their needs.
, responding to goods instantly has some bad effects on the community
as wasting time, and cash and unpleasant sensations. In conclusion, we should motivate stuff which is useful to our future in order to save our time and payment.
, the restriction of regular shopping can help us avoid being addicted.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Instant gratification
  • Technological advancements
  • Consumer expectations
  • Same-day delivery
  • Streaming platforms
  • Information overload
  • Decision fatigue
  • Environmental implications
  • Societal implications
  • Resource depletion
  • Marketing strategies
  • Consumer satisfaction
  • Quality of life
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