LotChange the article
show examples
of individuals think going to
gymAdd an article
show examples
is the best way to keep themself fit.
, many have
Correct article usage
show examples
essay will discuss both
formerCorrect article usage
show examples
and latter
notionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
my opinion.
To commence with, many people prefer going to the
of the facilities
now a daysCorrect the word
show examples
gyms are providing like proper
equipmentsChange the wording
types of equipment
pieces of equipment
show examples
for each
bodyChange noun form
show examples
diet plans and offer various other
services. To
ExplicateCorrect your spelling
show examples
, there is no restriction when it comes to weather you can go to
gymAdd an article
show examples
in any season it does not matter
Correct word choice
show examples
itsCorrect your spelling
show examples
raining or hot season as
itsReplace the word
show examples
built in a building.
, there are various machines
are Unnecessary verb
show examples
trainers are available until closing time.
To cite an example,
the latest survey released
inChange preposition
show examples
BBC (Bombay Book Circle) 7 out 10
peoplesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
would prefer going to
gymCorrect article usage
show examples
reason behind
isCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
they think
Correct article usage
show examples
gymFix the agreement mistake
show examples
have proper
and they do have certified professional trainers who can
their results.
, many
thinksChange the verb form
show examples
that apart from the
there are
lotChange the article
show examples
of other effective methods available to build or to stay fit via doing some physical
activities via participating
onChange preposition
show examples
outdoor games. To elaborate,
by Change preposition
show examples
outdoor sports like cricket , football,
swimmingCorrect word choice
show examples
in your daily routine can keep
bodyCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
buildCorrect word choice
show examples
more Change the word
show examples
faster than
doingCorrect your spelling
show examples
recentAdd an article
show examples
ofChange preposition
show examples
MinistryCorrect article usage
show examples
healthCapitalize word
show examples
they have found that people who mostly do physical workouts with no
are much
more Correct quantifier usage
show examples
fitter than those people who just
follow goingWrong verb form
show examples
gymAdd an article
show examples
physical workouts
isChange the verb form
show examples
much more effective
but Remove the conjunction
show examples
for those only who have ample
of Change preposition
show examples
time yet,
iChange the capitalization
show examples
believe if you get proper
, training and
nutritionCorrect article usage
show examples
diet will lead to better development of your body
alsoCorrect word choice
show examples
, helps you to stay fit for
longerAdd an article
show examples
, most of the
gymFix the agreement mistake
show examples
nowadays in
multi nationalAdd a hyphen
show examples
cities provide flexibilities to come anytime of day or
as they started operating 24x7
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
means you can go anytime whether
itsCorrect your spelling
show examples
daytime or