Nowadays, there are many methods to have
an informationRemove the article
a piece of information
show examples
by the society or by themselves. Some
said that learning in groups could be more beneficial
compareChange the form of the verb
show examples
to seeking information
by Change preposition
show examples
, I strongly agree that
acquireWrong verb form
show examples
a Remove the article
a piece of knowledge
show examples
in a
moreAdd a missing verb
show examples
effective than individually.
There are plenty of positive things that will
learn from
groupAdd an article
show examples
brainstormReplace the word
show examples
ideaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
or Correct word choice
show examples
sharing information and building
a Correct article usage
show examples
relationshipFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, in a team,
will share their opinions and talk to all
memberFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. By sharing their ideas,
will achieve a good result and finish a task easier than by working personally. In a team,
train their
skillFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of communication and how to handle and control ego. Different to working individually,
will not increase their skills and take longer to do their
assignmentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. They only have limited
to do their task but they have a flexible time to work.
, learning with
groupCorrect article usage
show examples
and sharing ideas will help
to increase
people’sChange noun form
show examples
understanding and to do their
jobFix the agreement mistake
show examples
working in
groupAdd an article
show examples
moreAdd a missing verb
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
bonding with friends and family than individually.
will enjoy and
cheerfulAdd a missing verb
show examples
when they doing something with
memberFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Having a good relationship with
teamCorrect article usage
show examples
will make
feel comfortable
to Change preposition
show examples
doing activities together.
, working alone or doing activities
byChange preposition
show examples
ownCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
will make someone feel bored and
stressWrong verb form
show examples
when they doing a task.
brainstormWrong verb form
show examples
ideaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
beWrong verb form
show examples
an important thing when
learningWrong verb form
show examples
in a
having a good relationship will increase our energy to do our project in daily life.
, it is great to claim that a person in
groupCorrect article usage
show examples
learns more than alone.