The provided vertical chart illustrates numeral information about women's first child's birth over the time period of 40 years.
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It is clear that
the age of women's first child's birth is increasing. Linking Words
, the gap between Mothers and their children's age increased until 2006.
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To begin
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According to
the chart and the key, In 1966, the Maximum percentage was girls between 19 to 24 with a number around 62%. In the second place, There were 25-30-year-old girls and under 19-year-old girls were in the third place who numbered around 33%. Linking Words
, in 1986, The orange bar changed its place with the grey bar and 25-30-year-old females became the maximum, Higher than other numbers. In 2006, The yellow bar was the highest number with the figure of 45%. Women over 40 years old always have the lowest number in the display chart and it was under 10% in all these years. Linking Words
, The gap between all these ages was at its highest in 1966 and lowest in 2006.Linking Words