A great part of society thinks that travellers should be responsible for their acts
travelling, Linking Words
, others do not. Nowadays is really easy to travel all over the world and people are taking advantage of it, Linking Words
as a result
, the environment is being damaged. From my point of view, tourist should be aware of what are the consequences of their behaviour.
On the one hand, individuals travelling to urban areas generate noise pollution, public transport collapse, Linking Words
as well as
increasing rent prices, among others. Linking Words
For instance
, in Valencia, a city in the East of Spain, neighbourhoods have been protesting against non-sustainable tourism because the community can not afford anymore their rent Linking Words
due to
the number of apartments used for visitors that have lowered the offer of places and increased prices. I consider that people who travel should know about Linking Words
problem in order to find the best option to stay and perturbate the least as possible locals life.
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On the other hand
, rural tourism has gained adepts in the past years affecting directly the native flora and fauna. Linking Words
increment is followed by the generation of tons of garbage that can not be managed correctly because of their proportions and the few resources that are available in those little villages. Linking Words
For example
, in natural parks, the growth of visitors has forced local governments to take measures to regulate how many visitors can a day in order to protect animals from the waste that people throw away polluting the ecosystem. I agree that consciousness should be created by teaching tourists how to take care of their surroundings.
To summarize, biodiversity and society are being damaged by massive tourism everywhere, and Linking Words
as a consequence
, society should behave correctly. I strongly agree that everybody has to be socially and environmentally responsible for their actions.Linking Words