Some people believe that in the future, environmental problems will mean that we are unable to live on this planet. In order to survive, the human species will need to find another planet that can support life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

In the 21st century, the environmental pollution is ever-increasing. Some people hold the view that experts need to find some other planets that can support life for humans predicting challenges to live on the Earth in future if
a problem happens continuously. I totally disagree with that argument.
To begin
with, it should be understood that exploring new planets will be costly.
For instance
, finding a new environment means we have to sacrifice all our money for that but we do not know the amount exactly because space exploration is an unpredictable work.
, countries will run out of their treasures and individuals will have to face severe consequences
as poverty.
shows that it is not an easy goal to move people into another space.
, the required time to achieve
target is unknown.
, it will lead to more complicated situations because pollution is increasing day by day.
For example
, It is possible that we succeed in finding
planets, yet humans may come to extinction at that time. Other than that, wildlife
should be there to maintain our lives. Finding a way to carry them is another major problem. Considering these factors, it can be noted that discovering alternative worlds is only a time-consuming task. In conclusion, it has to be agreed that locating other spaces means not only a waste of money but
time. Indeed, we cannot expect success of
, it is wise to use prevailing technology to find solutions to mitigate and reduce the environmental impacts that we are currently facing.
Submitted by wm.asanka.sandaruwan on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • environmental degradation
  • sustainable development
  • renewable energy
  • carbon footprint
  • biodiversity loss
  • climate change
  • greenhouse gases
  • deforestation
  • pollution
  • habitable planets
  • space colonization
  • terraforming
  • ethical dilemmas
  • resource allocation
  • technological advancements
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